Take on carpet grime and revive your floors with these secrets

Let’s just dive in. Imagine yourself walking in your living area. After months, the carpet cleaning northern beaches feels like a tangly wood floor. It is not a pleasant sight or feel. What is your plan of action?

First, taking preventive measures could save you a great deal of stress. The saying “An ounce is worth a penny” comes to mind. Yes, this is exactly right. Placement of doormats at the entrances is an easy yet powerful idea. They collect dirt from people as they enter. Bingo — less dirt on your valuable fibers.

Stains, oh boy. They love to make an entrance at movie and party nights. Quick action is the key. Spilled the wine? Dab it–don’t rub. Scrubbing will only make the problem worse. It’s like arguing about stubborn friends. Club soda, a cloth and some water usually do wonders. When soda is not available, water will do. Vinegar and baking soda can work wonders on stubborn stains.

Vacuuming is important. It’s the backbone of carpet maintenance. Once or twice a weekly, make sure to do a regular sweep. Don’t forget the nooks. Dirt often loves to nestle in corners or under furniture.

Then deep cleaning. This is the biggest one. The rental of a machine, or the hiring of a professional, can transform your worn out battleground to a new, comfortable field. It is best to use machines that extract dirt using steam or hot-water. Imagine the dirt melting off like butter on a skillet. Steam penetrates the deepest part of your skin, providing a thorough cleaning.

Do you have kids or animals? Congratulations, your carpet cleaning is now at a higher level. Children spill, animals shed. This is a circus. Your best ally is a HEPA-filter vacuum. Pet odor? Sprinkle baking powder, wait a while, then vacuum. This method works well and is a great way to get rid of that smell.

How about gum or wax? Nightmare, right? To begin with, use ice cubes to freeze the ice. Gently chip away the skin with a blunt blade. The process is similar to removing a wound bandage. It can be painful, but rewarding.

Cleaning carpets will help those who have allergies breathe easier. Spend your money on hypoallergenic product. Carpet cleaning has more than just aesthetic value; it can affect your health.

Don’t overlook areas of high traffic. Hallways, for example, are magnets for dirt. Consider moving furniture around to alter traffic patterns. The same as rotating your indoor tires.

DIY is also a fun option. The Internet’s favorite combination of vinegar and baking soda can be used to get impressive results.

You can always find a solution to the problem, no matter whether it’s crumbs on a daily basis or an unexpected spill. Clean your carpet regularly to maintain its freshness. The science behind making life less messy isn’t rocket science. Who wouldn’t want this?

Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143

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